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LGBT+ acronyms

What does each of the acronyms of LGBT mean? Sometimes more letters are added, what are they?

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The collective LGBT has actually a lot more than the more commor 4 letters. It is an initialism with 11 letters, although sometimes more letters are added. I'm going to explain a little bit of each one.

- LESBIAN. A woman who is only attracted to other women.

- GAY. A man who is attracted only to other men, but it can also be used to describe people who are attracted to the same sex.

- BISEXUAL. Someone who is attracted to both men and women.

 - TRANSGENDER. Someone whose gender identity is different from their gender assigned at birth.

- TRANSSEXUAL. Same as transgender but it refers to people who has or wants to pass through permanent transition to the gender with which they identify, seeking medical assistance.

- QUEER. It used to be an insult to transgender people, now used by people who don't identify with the binary terms of male and female or gay and straight and do not wish to label themselves by their sex acts.

- QUESTIONING. It is someone who is still questioning or exploring their sexual or gender identity.

- INTERSEX. Someone who's body is neither fully male or female due to medical variation. Intersex people used to be called hermaphrodites, but it is now considered an offensive term.

- ALLY. Is a straight, cisgender person who supports the LGBTTQQIAAP community.

- ASEXUAL. Someone with no sexual attraction to any gender. Within this group there are several subcategories, different types of asexual

- PANSEXUAL. Someone whose sexual attraction isn't based on the gender and it's more based on  the personality. 

I hope I have helped to understand what each letter means!


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